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Hsin Ten Indonesia SOQI Health Walk
Mifan Water Park and Resort, West Sumatra Padang Panjang 5 to 6 March 2011

Big Family SOQI West Sumatera Riau SOQI Health Walk held activities at the site Minang Fantasy (Mifan) Water Park and Resort, Padang Panjang in West Sumatera on 5 to 6 March 2011. The event was organized to foster silarurahmi among distributors in West Sumatera Riau and also at the same form of training with the concept of playing in the open field. The event was attended by PGM Maryati and Bp. Dewey from Jakarta. Preparation of the event conducted by PGM Mukhyar and Bp. Hendra.

First day, event starts at 14.00 the participants had started arriving in the location comes from Batusangkar, Solok, Padang, Bukittinggi, Lubuk Sikaping, Payakumbuh and surrounding areas. The number of attendees is 40 people, not including children with a free program, At 19:00 after all participants enjoy a dinner event followed by warm-hearted and share a sense of accomplishment to run Business BHT.

The second day, after breakfast, followed sporting event in the field with SOQI Dance, led by Mrs. PGM Maryati, then held the division of the group to "SOQI Health Walk" healthy way with the distance more or less 5 km with a time more or less 2 hours. forwarded to the Games or an interesting game to test the ability and also to train themselves, especially games-games associated with the daily activities of distributors such as cooperation in the field, dupikasi, speed, accuracy, and so forth.

PGM Maryati has provided prizes for the winning group in each game in the form of enzyme Hsin, Pens SOQI and Books. The company also provides gift of chi formula. event ended with a motivation by PGM and PGM Mukhyar Maryati, and followed by Bp. Henderson representing the company. Exactly at 13.00 was held photo together and have lunch together. After all participants ate lunch again and ended with a free event to come home each. (hendra).

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