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Multi-Channel Distribution.Products and opportunity that bring Health and Wealth to your life !
Inside the Culture of HTE
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hte Bratitude, Bratefulness,
Be the Master of You Own Life.


Gorden C.H. Pan, Founder and Chairman of HTE, began his research into health technology in 1990. His goal was to introduce a healthier lifestyle for people by combining modern technology, energy therapy, ergonomics, and bioelectricity with Eastern Chi Theory, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, and ancient treatments.

After years of research, Chairman Pan developed very unique products for the home and office including the Chi MachineR, HotHouse?, ERER (Electro Reflex Energizer), Nutrition Supplement, and the concept of "SOQI Total Health Management." This unique system of Motion, Thermal, Electric and Nutritional Energy has been shown to improve the quality of life with relaxing and soothing Far Infrared Heat (HotHouse), and healthy Reflexology (ERE) along with the gentle movement of the Chi Machine.

These innovative health management concepts have proven to be so popular, that our customers, out of sheer joy and excitement, share these new concepts with all of their friends and family. Not only are they enjoying the personal lifestyle changes that the SOQI Chi Spa brings, many are supporting their families with extra income they earn by telling others about this new health technology. In appreciation, we share our assets with them simply because we care about bringing health, beauty, and wealth into every family throughout the world.

Our well-established organizational culture, efficient company operation, matured marketing strategy, and well-funded company resources will establish HTE as a global distribution giant. When we pass on the "SOQI Total Health Management" concept to others, we will eventually make this world a better place to be. To improve the quality of our lives by combining innovative health technologies and ancient treatments, while bringing wealth and wellness to families throughout the world is our main task. We are thankful to our communities all over the world for making SOQI a popular brand to use!


HTE Mission Statement :
    To bring health, beauty,
    and wealth into every family throuthout the world.


Copyright (c) 2007 HTE International Group. All rights reserved
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