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Dancing SOQI 2008 !!
It is with great joy and enthusiasm that I extend my greetings for a Happy New Year! As we begin 2008, I would like to thank everyone for your past and ongoing hard work.

Dear HTE Family Members,

Back in 2003, the major accomplishment for HTE was the launch of “SOQI – Total Health Management.” This concept brought together the perfect combination of HTE’s Total Health Management program with a multi-channel distribution strategy that included the SOQI Centers and Workshops. Our priority was to continually expand our services to bring health, beauty, and wealth into every family throughout the world. We did that, expanding into several countries, and, during these years, successfully introduced our SOQI Dual-Core operation. Now, there are more than 20 countries promoting this concept.

So here we stand on the threshold of 2008 and, as we look to the future, I believe that the year will bring even greater changes and influences in Taiwan, China, America, and (possibly) the whole world. We are witnessing a new period of accelerated change, and indeed, accelerated action in HTE’s business. In fact, you are probably reading this in February which means we have approximately 10 months to make 2008 a great success. So, to help everyone get focused and start the New Year successfully, we’ve decided to call this year “Dancing SOQI 2008”.

Now, there are some fundamental thoughts on this age of accelerated change and action that I would like you to consider:
1. Enhance the value of SOQI Total Health Management:
Develop a professional Research and Development (R & D) team, and increase activities and marketing campaigns for Home Parties in your community to create higher sales volumes and higher profits.

2. Build up an international platform:
There are no boundaries and or limitations when introducing HTE products to the world. Utilize HTE’s distribution system and global website to promote our international recruiting program and build your network around the world!

3. Effectively develop media tools and a SOQI campaign:
Build up the popularity and identity of SOQI to develop SOQI into a leading global brand name.

4. Diversified Training and Backup System:
Support your networking staff in developing skills and abilities that will help them reach their potential, improve the effectiveness of our organization and the quality of services we provide. As we increasingly fine-tune our training and development resources, the skills and abilities of our staff improve, resulting in increased sales and a more motivated network.

5. An innovative breakthrough:
Computerization is about working more efficiently and effectively by using data, the Internet and your personal website. These tools will assist you in organizational management, faster exchange of information, and get you closer to your customers.

Again, I would like to thank you for your support of HTE’s mission and reaching goals set for this year. I look forward to your continued support in 2008.

Yours Sincerely,

Gorden C. H. Pan
HTE Chairman & Founder
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